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Privacy Policy

Contact data of our company:
Johannes-Diakonie Mosbach
Neckarburkener Str. 2-4
74821 Mosbach
Telephone: 06261 88-0

Contact data of the person responsible for the privacy policy: Tel.: 06261 88-720 E-Mail: This privacy policy will supply all the necessary information for users of our website about how and to what purpose and extent your personal data is collected, processed and used by us or third-party providers. The collection and processing of your data takes place strictly within the framework of the German Protestant Church (DSG-EKD new version), the EU Data Protection Regulations (EU-DSGVO), the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG new version) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). We guarantee the absolute confidentiality and security of your personal data by working strictly within legal requirements and guidelines. The collection of your personal data takes place on a voluntary basis whenever possible.

Furthermore, this data may only be passed on to third parties with your express prior consent. We provide a high degree of security through SSL encryption for any confidential data, especially with regard to payment transactions and enquiries we receive from you. In this context we would like to draw your attention to the general dangers inherent in using the internet, which are beyond our control. Especially when communicating via e-mail, you need to take steps to protect your data, otherwise it may, under certain circumstances, be collected by a third party. We are constantly developing our website and may also use new technologies for this purpose. It may therefore be necessary to adapt this data protection declaration to the new circumstances. In the event of changes, this declaration will be replaced by an updated version. Therefore, as a precaution, we ask you to observe the current version.

Disclosure, deleting, blocking

You are at all times entitled to demand information free of charge about any personal data we have stored, as well as the origin, the recipient and the purpose of collecting and processing this data. Moreover, you have the right to demand the rectification, deleting or blocking of your data. Exempt is data that has to be archived because of legally binding regulations or data that is required for the proper execution of your order. In order to be able to block data whenever required, the data is kept in a locked file for control purposes. If data is not subject to statuary legal archiving, we will delete data on your request. If data is subject to statuary legal archiving, we can block your data on request. For all enquiries about the rectification, deleting or blocking of personal data, please contact our data protection officer whose contact data is listed in this privacy policy or write to the address given under legal disclosure.


We use cookies on our website. These small text files are saved on your PC by our server. They support the presentation of our website and help you to navigate on our website. Cookies collect data about your IP address, your browser, your operating system and your internet connection. This information is not regarded as personal data and is not passed on to third parties. Under no circumstances are cookies used by us to install malware or spyware programs on your computer. You can visit our website without using cookies, which may mean that some graphics and functions will not work properly. If you would like to de-activate the cookies, you can go to special settings in your browser. Please use this help function, to make the required changes. The cookies for online adverts can be blocked via the following links: for the USA, for Europe.

Collecting access data

The delivery and presentation of the contents of our website requires the collection of certain data. When you access our website the so-called server log files are collected by us or by the provider of the webspace. No information or data concerning you or your personal circumstances can be deduced from these log files. The relevant information consist of the name of the website, the file, the current date, the amount of data collected, the web browser and its version, the operating system that is used, the name of the domain of your internet provider, the referrer URL for the website you used before changing to our site, as well as the corresponding IP address. We use this data for the presentation and delivery of our contents as well as for statistical purposes. This information supports the provision and continuous improvement of our product range and services. We also reserve the right to check the above- mentioned data in retrospect if there is reason to suspect fraudulent or illegal use of any products or information on our website.

Third party contents and services

The contents of our website may also comprise contents and services provided by other suppliers that complement our product range. An example of such an offer are Google maps, YouTube videos or graphics by third parties. Accessing these services provided by third parties requires the transmission of your IP address on a regular basis. This allows the providers to access your user IP address and to record it. We are very careful to only use third-party providers that use the IP address solely for the delivery of contents. However, we have no influence on whether the third-party providers may occasionally record the IP address, this may happen for statistical purposes. Should we become aware of such a recording process by a third-party provider, we will immediately inform our users of this fact. In this context please read the individual private policies of the different third-party providers and suppliers whose services we use for our website. You can find them within this private policy document.

Personal data

We adhere to the principles of data avoidance and data economy and therefore only keep your personal data for as long as it is required for the use of our website or as long as is stipulated by legislation, respectively. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and while collecting and processing your data we strictly adhere to the relevant legal requirements and guidelines and to this privacy policy. When the purpose for collecting data no longer exists or when the statutory data storage period has expired, the collected data is blocked or deleted. You can use our website regularly without passing on any personal data. When we do collect personal data – for example your name, address or e-mail address – you provide this data voluntarily. This data is never passed on to third parties without your express prior consent. Please be aware that, as a general rule, data on the internet cannot always be transmitted securely. Especially with e-mail traffic the security of a data exchange cannot always be guaranteed.

Server Logfiles

Server Logfiles are anonymous data that is collected when you access our website. No information concerning your personal circumstances can be deduced from these log files, but, for technical reasons, they are vital for the delivery and presentation of the content of our website. This information is used for statistics and the continuous improvement of the content of our website. Typically logfiles consist of the date and time when you accessed the website, the amount of data collected, the web browser and its version, the operating system that is used, the name of the domain of your internet provider, the referrer URL for the website you used before changing to our site, as well as the your IP address.

SSL encryption

Our website uses SSL encryption when transmitting confidential or personal information about our users. This encryption is activated for e.g. payment transactions, as well as enquiries you send via our website. Please be aware that the SSL encryption is activated from your side if you carry out the relevant activities. It is easy to recognise when the encryption is activated: The display in your browser line changes from „http://“ to „https://“. Data encrypted via SSL cannot be read by third parties. Please only transmit your confidential data when SSL encryption is activated, if in doubt, please contact us.

Google Maps plugin

We use plugins by the internet provider Google Maps on our website. The operator of Google Maps is Google Inc., situated in the USA, CA 94043, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View. If you use Google Maps on our website, information about you using this website and your IP address will be transmitted to the Google server in the USA and will also be stored on this server. We have no knowledge of the nature of the contents that is transmitted to Google and how Google uses it. In this context the company denies any transmission of this data to other Google services or the collecting of personal data. However, Google may transmit this information to third parties. If you deactivate Javascript in your browser, you can stop Google Maps from running, but this also means that you cannot display any maps on our website. When using our website, you agree to the above mentioned collecting and processing of information by Google Inc. More detailed information on the privacy policy and terms and conditions for the use of Google Maps can be found under:

Web fonts

This website uses so-called web fonts for the uniform display of fonts. When you call up a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into its browser cache in order to display texts and fonts correctly. The web fonts used by our website are only stored locally on our server. In order to load the web fonts, no connection to Google servers is established; therefore, no data relating to you will be transmitted to Google or to third countries.

Using Matomo

On this website we use the web-analysing service software Matomo (, a service of the provider InnoCraft Ltd., 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand, („Matomo“), in order to collect and store data because we have a legitimate interest in a statistical analysis of user behaviour to optimise our service and for marketing purposes according to § 6 Ziff. 8 DSG-EKD 2018 and Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO, respectively. Based on this data, pseudo-user profiles can be created and evaluated for the same purpose. Cookies may be used in this process. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally in a buffer memory of the website user’s internet browser. Cookies enable the recognition of an internet browser. The data that has been gathered by the Matomo technology (including your pseudo IP address) is processed on our servers. The information created for the pseudo-user’s profile by the Cookie is not used to personally identify a visitor on our website nor is any personal data consolidated with the bearer of the pseudonym.